I have to admit I was really pessimistic about the election, I had this feeling that McCain was going to win (no offense if any of you are McCain supporters....?), and I didn't want to get my hopes up like I did the last two elections. I was a little (ok, A LOT) surprised when, all of a sudden after a commercial break ABC declared that Obama was going to win. I thought that it was going to take all night to declare a winner, and I was also surprised at how much of a landslide he won by.
Anyways, although I have never particularly liked McCain, I thought that his concession speech was so gracious and amazing and it actually seemed like he meant it. (By the way, have you guys ever noticed how whenever the audience starts yelling hateful remarks about Obama, McCain has always told them to stop and quiet down, whereas Sarah Palin just laughs and smiles? Ugh!)
Listening to Obama's acceptance speech was so inspiring and I was so proud of America watching his speech and all his supporters. In my ethnic studies class just last week, our GSI told us that he was speaking to a black man who lived during the Civil Rights Movement, and he said that never in his lifetime did he think that he would live to see a black president. (Much like Obama's story about the old woman who cast her vote for him)
I recently saw a post card on postsecret.com (I'm sure some of you guys know what that is), and it made me a little sad and a little worried:

(Including the part that is cut off, it says "It's only a matter of time..." I hope that this is expressing a concern and not a threat...
I felt exactly the same way that you did. I did not think that the results would have been up so early, and Obama would win by a landslide. I was pessimistic too, and I also had that thought that McCain would win. But likewise, I was so happy when they announced Obama is the president. It was magical (corny lol).
And then his speech, I had seen the two speeches that Bush gave when elected president, and I did not care. But Obama's speech made me feel like if I tried to do something, then I can achieve. He motivated me enough to get me like review for my midterm, and finish my essay today (wednesday). It is crazy. But yeah, I am really happy Obama is the president. Now all I hope is that he tries to make all his promises come true even though that will take a lot of work.
ps don't worry I think we have had enough examples of people getting shot that Obama knows what NOT to do. So Obama's people will protect him, I guarantee that.
I wasn't as pessimistic about it as you were because my home page for internet explorer is set as yahoo and everytime I saw the polls, Obama was in the lead. But I was surprised that Obama would win by a landslide.
That postcard reminds me of a president's curse I heard in my history class in high school. The curse is called Tecumseh's Curse and it said that presidents elected in a year ending in a zero would die in office. This has been true since Lincoln (Bush was supposed to be next). Obama is elected in 08 so he should be fine.
I also really liked McCain's concession speech, I had just been telling my roommate how great the speech was, and how I had never seen a concession speech given so sincerely and graciously. I especially like the part about how he had done his duties to his country, and just the mere fact that he had the chance to run for the highest position in the united states, was an honor and that this country has been put in good hands.
The postcard also reminded me of the curse. I was just telling my friend about it over dinner, I am a little concerned because we are past due... if you believe in the curse. Unfortunately I wouldn't be surprised if there was conspiracies to kill Obama but I would be very shocked if anything past that happens.
I think many extra precautions are being taken, because it is a historical event. In fact precautions we being taken as early as before the primaries, Obama was given secret service even though he is not a past president (or 1st lady) and even though he was not yet a candidate. This was highly unusual but it is a good thing, so I am not too worried. I can't believe that that postcard was even thought up though...
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