Sunday, September 7, 2008

Our current assignment

Parody of "I heard a fly buzz - when i died"

I heard myself typing - when I sat on a chair
The Darkness in my Dorm
was like the Darkness outside at Night -
without a Moon -

The Music from - below had died down -
and my fan still kept going
due to the -extreme heat inside
and no AC - in the room-

I turned my Ipod - completely off
after the end of a song
when - suddnely i realized something

from nowhere - i started typing something -
when all of something - hit me -
then the lights turned down - and then
I could not see to see -

I don't know if you guys got this. I tried doing a parody of the poem that I read, but as you can tell I failed miserably. If you understood what happened to me at the end, you should tell me that in a comment.


jennifert said...

Your parody of Dickinson’s poem was clever and I do not think you failed, it is definitely an accomplishment. I think I’d have a difficult time with this assignment, but after reading this I want to try to make a parody of one of the poems we’ve read for class too.

I noticed that in the Emily Dickinson’s poem, the topic of death was interrupted with the random appearance of a fly. In your parody it was the English blog, I believe. That was really clever. Paralleled to Dickinson’s original poem, your parody dealt with a constant situation throughout until the interruption of something much unexpected; in Dickinson’s, a fly, your parody, an English blog.

Was the ending the sudden need to just fall asleep? I noticed it was posted at one in the morning.

jenna said...

Was the ending the need for you to fall asleep?

I think you did a great job with your parody, it was definitely very distinguishable as Dickinson-esque. Like you, I also almost let the Blog slip my mind, when all of a sudden I remembered. I think that your parody is very cute, I don't think you failed at all.